The Appeal Team

Under the wise leadership of His Grace Most Reverend Charles Jason Gordon, our Chancellor, Joanne Miller and the Appeal’s Director of Funding & Development, Jenny Lee, the Archbishop’s Appeal team is a distinctly collaborative, and uniquely innovative effort to raise funds for specially appointed projects by His Grace. This dynamic team has proved to be a power house in changing the way religious charities raise funds, evangelize and promote their message. We believe in keeping our finger on the pulse of our communities, reaching them wherever they are, and uplifting our Catholic Church by fulfilling their needs. We are one body of Christ, working for the glory of God, in service to all His people.

Jennifer Lee

Head of Funding & Development

Jordan Miller

Multi-Media Officer

Janine Aqui

Funding & Development Officer

Alexandra Ramsaroop

Funding & Development

(Has left our shores to discern her vocation with the Convent)