Meet the Carmelite Sisters


·       WHO WE ARE

We are the Corpus Christi Carmelites of the Eucharistic and Theresian Spirituality. For 100 years we have worked in Trinidad and Tobago to bring comfort and care to those who need it most. We strive to illuminate God’s love and light in our society by providing essential services to house, educate and uplift our children and displaced citizens who have no other place to turn. With your help, we hope to continue our labour of love for many centuries to come.




We are the People of God in Trinidad and Tobago, building a civilization of love – reconciling with God, neighbour, creation and self through:

- The New Evangelization

- Revitalizing Catholic Culture and Identity

- Regenerating the Moral and Spiritual Values of our Society.


In a pluralistic society, often in conflict with itself, the Corpus Christi Carmelites stand as women of faith who embody that longing of Jesus “that all may be one”. (John 17:21)

·       OUR WORK

The Corpus Christi Carmelites presently operate ten schools/ nurseries and  four homes for special needs, abused, abandoned, and underprivileged children and senior citizens.

Jordan Miller