Pandemic Relief Food Hampers

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We stand firm in our faith that, as the Church of Jesus Christ, he will look after His Church.  In Matthew 25:35 Jesus says, “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in...” 

As COVID 19 continues to ravage the world with the various variants, we are faced with our own challenges here in Trinidad and Tobago. Globally the pandemic has dramatically reduced contributions to the Church. 

The Archdiocese of Port of Spain recognized the rapidly growing number of families in need of assistance, and thus fundraising mainly focused on pandemic relief.  

From April 2020 to July 2021, caring citizens responded to our call for help and donated TT$11m. The TT Government granted the Archdiocese of Port of Spain TT$10m, totaling TT$21m.  All proceeds went directly into feeding approximately 525,000 persons.  

In addition, every quarter the church brings in two 40 ft containers of food. Since July 2020, the Appeal brought in a total of 9 containers of food representing 202,239 kgs of rice and beans over a 12-month period. This food is immediately distributed to the needy through Catholic faith-based organizations, their networks, and the parishes. Approximately 220,000 needy persons received food over the year. 

During this 12-month period, the Appeal sought assistance from the private sector to provide hot meals to impoverished communities scattered across Trinidad. Seven thousand hot meals were delivered through the parishes during the first lockdown. Further assistance was secured from private sector for the donation of hampers to feed another 12,000 persons. 

It should be noted that all peoples of Trinidad and Tobago regardless of creed, race or ethnicity are the benefactors of this tremendous effort.

We are very grateful to you the people of God who stepped up to assist in providing sustenance to 764,000 meals throughout the entire year.  It is because of you that we can do the work we are called to do.  Thank you to our Catholic community.  You have done well good and faithful servants. 

Jordan Miller